Let’s Talk About Your Sexuality…

How can I discuss sexuality without mentioning the Kinsey Scale? The famous Kinsey Scale was formulated by  Alfred Kinsey, an American influential sex researcher in the 40s and 50s. He’s had documentaries, movies, books and all sorts of other things released on the subject of his life and is widely regarded as the first major figure in American sexology. Through his research of human sexualitysexual encounters, behaviours and fantasies – he came to the conclusion that rather than stiff boxes and clear lines, sexuality was more of a spectrum ranging from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual. Importantly, Kinsey found that it was very rare that anyone be exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, rather the majority of people sat somewhere along the spectrum. The spectrum runs from the number 0 (being exclusively heterosexual) to 6 (being exclusively homosexual) with an X to represent asexuality. A bisexual person would sit around the number 3.

The Kinsey Scale

The Kinsey Scale

Now I’d like to ask you all a favour. Take the Kinsey Scale Test online and let me know where you sit on the scale on the poll below. Who knows, you may even discover something about your sexuality you didn’t know. Take the test here: http://www.youngsouthampton.org/children-and-young-people/advice/relationships/sexuality/multidimensional-scale-of-sexuality-quiz.aspx


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